12_20 Australia
12_20 Australia
Projekt: Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3764 Příjemce: Základní škola Integra Vsetín Metodický list Název materiálu Australia Autor Radmila Válková Klíčová slova Continent, country, facts, animals, marsupials Šablona III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky – využíváním ICT Datum vytvoření 5. 6. 2013 Sada III/2 - 12.20 Oblast, obor Anglický jazyk, kultura Třída 9. třída Druh učebního materiálu Pracovní list Anotace + popis použití Pracovní list shrnuje vědomosti o Austrálii, připomíná některé zajímavosti, se kterými se žáci seznámí formou čtení textu. V krátkém kvízu a osmisměrce uplatní své dosavadní všeobecné vědomosti. Na závěr spojují věty na základě porozumění jejich obsahu. Seznam literatury a pramenů 1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Australian_birds 2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauna_of_Australia 3) http://www.pdclipart.org/displayimage.php?album= 41&pos=19 4) http://www.pdclipart.org/displayimage.php? album=search&cat=0&pos=20 Str. 1 Autor: Název materiálu: Číslo materiálu: Radmila Válková Australia EU(III/2 12.20) AUSTRALIA 1. SOME FACTS ABOUT AUSTRALIA: - Australia is about the same size as the United States (not including Alaska) - Australia is the smallest continent but the biggest island - Australia is the only nation that covers the whole continent - The neariest country is not New Zealand but Papua New Guinea - Australia is a land of big contrasts, two thirds of Australia is a desert - Australia has more beaches than any other nation on the earth - Australia has the most extreme climate changes on the planet - the coldest day recorded was -23 degrees Celsius and the hottest was +53 degrees Celsius - Australia has all five of the world´s temperatures zones: tropical, subtropical, temperate, subpolar and polar - The Snowy Mountains region receives more snow than Switzerland but is the only area suitable for skiing - Australia has the longest fence in the world – the Dingo Fence – 5,320 km 2. Australia Quiz: 1. Who were the first people in Australia? a/ the Aborigines b/ the Europeans c/ the sheep farmers b/ Melbourne c/ Sydney 2. What is the capital of Australia? a/ Canberra 3. What is the famous building in Sydney Harbour? a/ a castle b/ the parliament c/ the opera house 4. What is the name of the biggest coral reef in the world? a/ the Great Barrier Reef b/ the Great Britain Reef c/ the Great Australian Reef b/ fish c/ dogs 5. What are dingoes? a/ kangaroos 6. Which two animals are marsupials? a/ the koala b/ the dolphin c/ the kangaroos Str. 2 3. Find 10 animals living in Australia in the crossword: 1. …………………………………………… 6. …………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………… 7. …………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………… 8. …………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………… 9. …………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………… 10. …………………………………………… P C R O C O D I L E T A U I L J G S K R D B A B C S A E A R U B K O A L A L N O S I Z J T R F O G T H T R R Z D D U A S E D I N G O S Z R O E U N M U L B F O L P L A T Y P U S O P R E A X P H Y F X O L K M V U I R D E P E N G U I N B S W A 4. Make true sentences by connecting the right beginnings and endings: 1. Australia is a A. old musical instrument used by the Aborigines. 2. Some people live in B. called Ayers Rock or Uluru in their language. 3. That´s why services like „Flying Doctors and the „Shool of the Air“ C. marsupials. 4. The didgeridoo is a very D. very lonely places. 5. A sacred place for Aborigines is a beautiful rock E. are so important. 6. Marsupials are mammals that carry F. of their farms. 7. Koala bears aren´t G. huge country. 8. Kangaroos are also H. because skin cancer is quite common. 9. Sheep farmers built fences to keep rabbits out I. bears at all, they are marsupials. 10. In Australia people are very careful in the sun J. their young in their pouch. Str. 3 Autor: Název materiálu: Číslo materiálu: Radmila Válková Australia EU(III/2 12.20) AUSTRALIA 1. SOME FACTS ABOUT AUSTRALIA: - Australia is about the same size as the United States (not including Alaska) - Australia is the smallest continent but the biggest island - Australia is the only nation that covers the whole continent - The neariest country is not New Zealand but Papua New Guinea - Australia is a land of big contrasts, two thirds of Australia is a desert - Australia has more beaches than any other nation on the earth - Australia has the most extreme climate changes on the planet - the coldest day recorded was -23 degrees Celsius and the hottest was +53 degrees Celsius - Australia has all five of the world´s temperatures zones: tropical, subtropical, temperate, subpolar and polar - The Snowy Mountains region receives more snow than Switzerland but is the only area suitable for skiing - Australia has the longest fence in the world – the Dingo Fence – 5,320 km 2. Australia Quiz: 1. Who were the first people in Australia? a/ the Aborigines b/ the Europeans c/ the sheep farmers b/ Melbourne c/ Sydney 2. What is the capital of Australia? a/ Canberra 3. What is the famous building in Sydney Harbour? a/ a castle b/ the parliament c/ the opera house 4. What is the name of the biggest coral reef in the world? a/ the Great Barrier Reef b/ the Great Britain Reef c/ the Great Australian Reef b/ fish c/ dogs b/ the dolphin c/ the kangaroos 5. What are dingoes? a/ kangaroos 6. Which two animals are marsupials? a/ the koala Str. 4 3. Find 10 animals living in Australia in the crossword: 1. CROCODILE 6. PARROT 2. KOALA 7. SHEEP 3. DINGO 8. RABBIT 4. PLATYPUS 9. DOLPHIN 5. PENGUIN 10. KANGAROO P C R O C O D I L E A T A U I L J G S K R D B A B C S A E A R U B K O A L A L N O S I Z J T R F O G T H T R R Z D D U A S E D I N G O S Z R O E U N M U L B F O L P L A T Y P U S O P R E A X P H Y F X O L K M V U I R D E P E N G U I N B S W 4. Make true sentences by connecting the right beginnings and endings: 1. Australia is a G A. old musical instrument used by the Aborigines. 2. Some people live in D B. called Ayers Rock or Uluru in their language. 3. That´s why services like „Flying Doctors and the „Shool of the Air“ E C. marsupials. 4. The didgeridoo is a very A D. very lonely places. 5. A sacred place for Aborigines is a beautiful rock B E. are so important. 6. Marsupials are mammals that carry J F. of their farms. 7. Koala bears aren´t G. huge country. I 8. Kangaroos are also C H. because skin cancer is quite common. 9. Sheep farmers built fences to keep rabbits out F I. bears at all, they are marsupials. 10. In Australia people are very careful in the sun H J. their young in their pouch. Str. 5
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