Globální problémy
Globální problémy
PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems KVP 1/11 Aj Do you know what does the Earth suffer from? Try to write all global problem you can imagine in the columns and bubbles.... Global problems Danger for the environment Sustainable development of the planet A document OSN, which elaborates principles of permanently sustainable development in a global criterion into the particular problematic areas, is called Agenda 21. It was accepted in 1992 by members of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which took place in a Brazilian Rio de Janeiro and which is called a Summit of the Earth, because there met ten thousand delegates from 178 countries. The representatives of the countries met there to solve a crucial question of further development on our planet. They held talks not only about environment but also about a life quality and a future development in a global criterion. It was pronounced that global problems, which we have to face, are big enough for each country to deal with them alone. Only an international cooperation is the necessary way to employ principles of sustainable development. An admission of several important documents was the result of the meeting of the participated countries (A declaration of environment and development, A general contract of climate changes, A convention of biological diversity, Agenda 21). MŽP, 2003: Metodika pro místní Agendy 21 v ÈR Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky KVP 2/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems A 1. Aj Worldwide problems ... 1. Global problems of a human race aren`t related to a particular country or a continent, but they are worldwide and their solution is important for the whole humankind. There are a lot of global problems and they are mutually connected. If you dind`t remember the basic global problems on our planet in the first task, you can try to fill them here according to the pictures. There are depicted the most famous worldwide problems of danger for the environment. Your task is to fill the name of the problem according to the picture to the numbers on the spotted lines. At first look at the picture carefully and then write what it is about. 1 6 1................................................ 2 2............................................... 3............................................... 4............................................... 7 5............................................... 6............................................... 7............................................... 3 8............................................... 9............................................... 8 4 5 9 Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky KVP 3/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems B 1. Aj Populations are growing... A game: Travelling in time We will easily try to depict a gradual increase of a human population on the Earth during particular time periods. Your teacher will tell you the rules of the game. (Rezekvítek: Globální problémy lidstva) The increase of a human population At the beginning of the 21st century there live about 6,5 mld people on the Earth. The number increases each year about 100 milion. The number of people is growing still very fast, although the tempo of the increase is slightly decreasing. The population increase isn`t the same in all part of the world, the biggest increase is maily in developing countries. The quick increase of a world population together with the rising raw materials and energy comsumption is the second most important problem of contemporary civilization and the second most important cause of the environment worsening. The most important precondition to stop the population increase is the improvement of conditions for inhabitants of poor areas in the world. 10 The number of people in the world and the development estimation 7.58 8.27 8.85 9.32 6.83 miliardy 6.06 5.25 4.43 2.52 3.02 3.69 Asia 59,5 % Europe 15 % Africa 11 % 8% Central and South Amerika 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 A per cent distribution of people in the world 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 North America 6% Australia and Oceania 0,5 % Bittmanová, Kulich, 2008: Co si pamatuje (nejen) babièka C 1. A.It is getting warm... What does the global warming mean to you? What is the main cause? Who does conduce to increase of the effect? Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems KVP 4/11 1/x Aj EV 2. What is the global warming of the Eatrh? Try to play and get acquainted with the Earth warming. Your teacher will tell you the procedure of the game during your lesson. At the end of the game you can discuss with your classmates and try to find the possibilities for solving the problem. How can you limit your part in a global warming? Lorbeer, Nelsonová, 1998: Biologické pokusy pro dìti - Námìty a návody pro zajímavé vyuèování D 1. A.It is becoming thinner... An ozone layer which is in the height of 18 20km, in the top level of the atmosphere, is heavily endangered and it is becoming thinner. The ozone is decreasing as it is destroyed by some substances and that`s why we speak about an ozone hole. In the following exercise try to guess the size of an ozone hole according to the year. There are 8 pictures below the task with a different size of an ozone hole and in the right part of the worksheet there are 8 years. Look at the pictures carefully and then match them with a correct year which you write to the box below each picture. 1979 1981 1987 1998 2005 2006 2008 2010 Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky KVP 5/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems E 1. Aj Danger for species and their diversity A climate and a natural surroundings are mutually connected. We can`t enumerate all climates in the world, but we can classify them in several types (e.g. equatorial, tropical, mild etc.). There exist a large spectrum of animal species which live in various surroundings. Can you classify them? Below the taks there is a map with continents with types of climate which differ in colour. Below the map there are pictures of particular animal species. Look at the pictures and match the animal to the empty circle on the map. Some of the animals can occur in more than one place. 1 7 13 2 3 4 8 9 10 14 15 6 5 11 16 Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky 12 17 KVP 6/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems Aj One of the most common characterisrtics of plants and animals species is their species` richness, we can also call it a species` diversity (a variety) or a BIODIVERSITY. A biodiversity means a variability of all living organisms in terrestrial, sea and other water ecosystems and ecological complexes in which they live. It includes a variety within species, among species and among ecosystems. (Linhart Josef, 2004: Ochrana pøírody, uèební materiály FLE ÈZU v Praze) Nowadays just the variety is heavily endangered, the number of species decreases very fast. Despite the species` dying out is a natural effect, the main cause of today extent and speed of dying is a human activity. It is mainly a mass killing, bringing foreign kinds of organisms (they replace the home species) and destruction of a natural environment. Estimates of some experts say that each year 27000 species die out. The richest areas belong to the most endangered ones tropical rain forests and coral reefs. (Bittmanová, Kulich, 2008: Co si pamatuje (nejen) 2. In this exercise we focus on species, their protection and biological diversity. Your task is to response the following questions. 1. What does a biodiversity means? a) a homogenity b) species distribution c) a variability 2. Which areas are the most endangered by a species` diversity decreasing? a) water ecosystems b) coral reefs c)coniferous forests 3. Underline the main endangered species a) a buffalo b) a polar bear e) a giant panda f) an African elephant c) a dragin lizard g) a gorilla d) a Bactarian camel h) a spotted hyena 4. In a year 1900 there were about 100 000 tigers on our planet, what was the number of counting in a year 2005? a) 25000 b) 5000 c) 7000 5. What is the main cause of species dying in your opinion? Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky PRACOVNÍ LIST KVP 7/11 Global problems Aj 6. Can be dying of species connected with a global climate change? Give reasons for your answer. 7. Who is the author of an international system of classification? (all plants and animals). a) Charles Darwin b) Carl Linné c)Jan Evangelista Purkynì 8. Together with new species discovering each year thousands of others disappear from the Earth. Do you know which species is already extinct? a) a giant panda b) an Indian elephant c) a Tasmanian wolf 9. A lot of animals are not hunted only for meat but also their fur is sought after or they are sold as pets. Do you know what is the name of a convention of an international trade with endangered species? a) The Ramsar Convention b) CITES c)The Bern Convention 10. We can ensure protection of species diversity by national parks creating. Do you know which national park was created as the first? a)Yosemite b) Zion c) Yellowstone 3. Fieldwork: What is biological diversity? In this game you will learn to classify some products of nature. You will find out that even on the small piece of land you can find a large spectrum of organisms and you will see a lot of relationships among them. Aids: a piece of land (a meadow, a field), a field guide for invertebrate animals classification or atlas of animals, atlas of plants, a sheet of paper for notes, writing implements You teacher will tell you the procedure of the game. Lorbeer, Nelsonová, 1998: Biologické pokusy pro dìti - Námìty a návody pro zajímavé vyuèování Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky KVP 8/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems F 1. Aj And what about protection? International conventions To ensure the species and environment protection well, the international cooperation should work effectively. Therefore in certain periods were signed conventions which protect chosen plants and animals species and the environment. Just the conventions are topics for the following task. Try to match the name of a convention (or proceedings), which is placed in the right part of the worksheet, to the correct statement in the left column (the idea of the convention). It will do if you match the pair with a line. To get the information you can use the internet. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington convention) EUROBATS Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals AEWA Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats CITES Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds The Bonn convention Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats CBD, Convention from Rio Convention on Biological Diversity Bern convention Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes and Their Disposal Vienna convention Vienna convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Basel convention Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto protocol Montreal protocol Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems 2. HOP TO THE SACK KVP 9/11 Aj If you do trade with animals, you should know that they are protected by a convention CITES. Just these animals are often smuggled illegally across borders. A lot of them die during the transport because they are hidden on the unsuitable places. Do you know which animals are protected bz the convention and belong to the “smuggling sack”? In the lower part of the worksheet there are pictures with species. Some of them are protected by the convention. Your task is to choose the animals, cut them and glue them to the sack. Before you glue them, consult it with your teacher. CITES Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky KVP 10/11 PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems Aj CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. (Washington convention) The convention was signed in 1973 in Washington, it came into force in 1975 and 173 countries are members of it. The Czech republic joined the convention in 1992. It monitors the trade with 30 000 plants and animals species. It`s target is to ensure lest the international trade with animals and plants endangeres their further existence. It is sad to know that the trade will stop only if customers and salesmen realize that they endanger all fauna and flora of our planet. Trading with protected exotic animals is in all cases forbidden without exceptions. We should buy an exotic animal legally and think about it only if we are able to provide the animal conditions, which are similar to it`s natural environment. If a smuggler is detained with a living or a mounted animal which sale is prohibited, he is facing to a lot of punishments. The smallest penalty can be up to 30 000 Euro, further it can be a criminal prosecution, finally an arrest if there is found a bigger amount of animals. Trading with fur is very often and lucrative. Milion of animals all over the world are victims of such a trade every year. It`s excessive production causes dying of some endangered species. To make a fur coat 3-5 wolves die, 10-24 foxes, 20-30 otters, 35-65 minks or 180-240 stoats, which are very tragical numbers. To eliminate the trade with fur and other products is very difficult because it brings hundreds milion Euro every year. Kolektiv autorù, 2009: Chraòme naši planetu Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky PRACOVNÍ LIST Global problems KVP 11/11 Aj Go back! In the final part of the worksheet try to go back to the beginning, where you wrote all global problems, which occured to you, into the idea`s map. Did you fill all the bubbles and boxes on the map? If not, fill them now. At least you will know if the worksheet helped you in viewing of global problems or not. Global problems Danger for the environment Projekt: Podpora EVVO na základních školách v Pacovì, Registraèní èíslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/02.0066 Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpoètem Èeské republiky
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